Covid-19…building a better world
And suddenly you know this is a new life
“(CNN)The coronavirus alone didn’t itself break our world. It just exposed a world that was already breaking.” Jamie Metzl founder of OneShared.World (CNN Opinion May 17)
And suddenly we could not go to the pedicure
And suddenly we could not go to the hairdresser’s
And suddenly we could not go to our pilates course
And suddenly we could not walk through the garden at spring time
And suddenly we could not buy these bohemian sandals
And suddenly we could not go to our favorite vietnamese restaurant
And suddenly we could not see our family
And suddenly you could not see your lover
And suddenly you feel like a prisoner
And suddenly you live the life of many people on earth not getting what they need or want
And suddenly we lived in fear
And suddenly people were dying, dying dying everywhere.
And suddenly on TV the list of the deceases and the number of deaths.
And suddenly you see people you know anonymous or famous go. Gone.
And suddenly you are afraid to die
And suddenly you expect the worst
And suddenly you are in anger because you cannot get a mask
And suddenly you feel strange things inside you body
And suddenly you do not understand why you cannot get a test
And suddenly you read and read and read about symptoms
And suddenly they tell you it is nothing and go home
And suddenly they refuse to give you medecine only aspirin
And suddenly you understand that nobody knows
And suddenly you feel lost and you feel abandoned.
And suddenly you hear the birds singing like never before
And suddenly people in the neighbourghood start singing old songs
And suddenly you see a flower grow on your balcony
And suddenly you enjoy Hollywood movies
And suddenly you have a homemade mask and it makes you feel safer
And suddenly you do not eat meat anymore
And suddenly you do not lose time shopping
And suddenly you stop watching news on TV
And suddenly you learn using all these apps to get in touch with your lover
And suddenly you feel wiser watching all these online conferences
And suddenly remote work wins
And suddenly many people agree “Please, let’s not go back to normal”
And suddenly you know this is a new life
And a much better one
Janique Laudouar
“Please, let’s not go back to normal” Le Monde 6 mai, Collectif
“Le monde d’après : « Il est temps de ne pas reprendre comme avant 7 mai » Le Monde 7 mai
“How the pandemic has changed education” By Allison Collins and Austin Steele, CNN May 19
TRIBUNE. « Pourquoi la sortie de crise en appelle à l’intelligence collective » L’OBS Frank Escoubès 15 mai 2020
“The world remade by Covid-19” Deloitte, dossier
Tribune individus, organisations et territoires : pour un droit au temps
Un collectif — Libération 23 mai 2020
“Changeons de voie, Les leçons du coronavirus” à paraître le 17 juin ] Edgar Morin, Sabah Abouessalam — Changeons de voie, Les leçons du coronavirus — Editions Denoël
“The Great Awakening: New Modes of Life amidst Capitalist Ruins” Edited by Anna Grear, David Bollier. Forthcoming Spring 2020