2020 Web Summit : join online
The figures are always impressive 800 Speakers,100,000 participants from150 country, 2500 start-ups, here comes the 2020 WebSummit December 2 -4. 2020.The « stars »will be online, which might be a renewed way to attend rather than a crowded conference room. But what counts for the attendees is the choices you will make, the contacts you will have. A number of formats are accessible : Channels, Q&A, roundtables, master classes and « fireside » format such as : « Working from home, with superstar DJ David Guetta » In this fireside interview, international superstar David Guetta talks about producing music during the pandemic. « Stars » will be there Serena Williams, Gwyneth Palthrow, and so many others among the speakers. A ticket to Web Summit connects attendees with 100 +hours of livestreamed content. The now famous WebSummit App, once downloaded, allows connections and chat between people and gives you recommendations, trending, and the list of partners.
It is wise to explore the Web Summit website and app a few days in advance to build your own schedule among the topics and themes. Tech leaders of course, and tech innovation, brands, start-ups, AI and machine learning, but in 2020 how to make the most of our everyday life in difficult times, with wellness, food and health (including AI for health). Watch for the first day, December 2 : an amazing number of exciting talks. Don’t miss the opening remarks by Paddy Cosgrave CEO, an Q&A with Antonio Costa Prime Minister of Portugal and Fernando Medina Mayor of Lisbon. Here are some suggestions. Go to “shedule” to plan your days.
Lifestyle and wellness
Gwyneth Paltrow is an Oscar-winning actress, entrepreneur, singer and best-selling cookbook author. In 2008, she founded Goop from her kitchen table. Goop has since grown into a lifestyle brand devoted to helping women make their own choices count.
« Hear from CEO Mindy Grossman as she discusses the evolution of WW (Weight Watchers) from weight-loss company to a health and wellness ecosystem, and the part tech played in that transition”.
“How to live longer », “You can think your way to a longer life. Yes, really. Peter Diamandis explains why a longevity-focused mindset changes the game, and how advancements in CRISPR, gene therapy, stem cell research and more are driving lifespans up and illnesses down.”
Does mental health need psychedelic support? “The global emotional and economic burden of managing our mental health is staggering. Traditional medicines and therapies can only take us so far. What if there were a better way?Tthe future of the psychedelics industry.”
And one intriguing session : Patrick Brown and Traci des Jardins for a unique cooking class. “Patrick Brown is the founder and CEO of Impossible Foods, a company that makes delicious, nutritious meat from plants to satisfy meat lovers, with the goal of transforming the global food system away from the negative impact of animal-based agriculture.”
Commerce-themed content
« Covid-19 has exposed the fragility of overall business operations. As the environment becomes more dynamic and unpredictable, it’s crucial for leaders to focus on building resilient companies ». « five exciting talks themed around commerce and the world of finance to look out for at the event » writes Ciaran Bruder on The WebSummit blog “Is the future of commerce in a cashless society?”
Social media
Tumblr CEO Jeff D’Onofrio « discusses how 2020 has focused our minds into building and serving online communities, and how a tough year changed our social media landscape for the better. »Q&A with Jimmy Wales, Founder at Wikipedia, an internet entrepreneur and wiki enthusiast.A master class on Social media trends hosted by falcon.io can be followed same day Dec 2.
Facebook, linkeldin, Vimeo, Evenbrite, Zoom, we use them, we can meet them.
News and media
« Have we got news for you » « Michael Peters and Justin Smith, the CEOs of Euronews and Bloomberg Media, will cover topics including strategy, expansion, investment and technological innovation within the news industry, and discuss what is needed to not just survive, but thrive. »
How politics blurs the news/views
Whether it’s Brexit or the US presidential elections, true ideological neutrality is hard for any reporter, correspondent or outlet to achieve. This session explores the effects of political leanings on reportage, and vice versa.
Facts, not feelings: Keeping news objective. “Journalists are people too, with all the emotions, opinions and subjectivity that brings. As polarisation grows, filter bubbles expand, and public anger increases on social issues how does the Fourth Estate address both technological and societal change?”
Digital democracy with a purpose « In a race to lead the digital era, is the European way of doing business — reaping the potential of tech and data, and preserving and building on the fundamental values of democracy, sustainability and ethical behaviour — the future for our society? ».
“Technology: The key to making us more human” will be another session. Is the ethical use of tech the next frontier?
The Future : what about the “reset”?
“The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want” TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work”. You have heard about The Great Reset? The controversial issue will be discussed at the Web Summit. . « The great Reset blockchain “ FINANCE and society Hosted by IOHK.
IOHK founder and CEO Charles Hoskinson discusses how blockchain technology is uniquely positioned to reset the world after the coming global depression. This session envisages blockchain as a future tool for securing economic identity and prosperity in a decentralised world.”
The Future of events
Web Summit 2020 online, what about 2021? We miss Lisbon, and the tascas and the wonderful food, the tech life and the art scene. How will we meet in 2021? What is the future of events? Is networking online efficient? What are the best tools? What does the emergence of virtual events mean for the industry? “Hybrid events: Here to stay?”Steffi Czerny, Managing Director of DLD Media, hosts the second in our series of roundtables on the future of events. What lessons have we learned from going virtual, “ that can translate into improved audience participation and engagement even for those who can’t attend in person?” (Hosted by Mary Larkin, President at Diversified Communications) will be part of the final panels as well “Re-shaping the events industry”, a final panel “discussing how technology will continue to evolve, while the need for face-to-face meetings will nevertheless continue.”
Re-inventing a better world where human contact is part of the “essential” is a vision of the future everybody can share.